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General Knowledge

Nicknames of States of India (Complete List)

Nicknames of States of India

States of India and Origin of their Nickname

  • Nicknames are formulated for cities or States to showcase the uniqueness or Strength or Distinction among other cities or states.
  • The nicknames of the regions are linked with the distinctive features such as unique geographical location, natural scenic beauty, natural formations like lakes, type of industry etc.
  • Sometimes, it also symbolises the descriptive name for a place or region such as aliases and slogans which have been known by historically, officially and unofficially, to locals, outsiders or their tourism boards or chambers of commerce.
  • Here, we are giving the list of Indian States with their Nicknames which will be very useful for the preparation of different competitive examinations like PSC, SSC, RRB, and Banking etc.
  • We have also covered article on the Complete State-wise List of Nickname of the Cities of India, to read that article you can Click Here.

List of Nicknames of Indian States

So, here we present the Complete List of Nicknames of State of India –

Name of the State


Andhra Pradesh

Kohinoor of India

Egg bowl of India

Rice Bowl of India

Arunachal Pradesh

Orchid state

Land of the Dawn-Lit Mountains

Land of the rising sun


The tea garden of India


Rice Bowl of India


Land of Epics

Jewel of the Western India


Pearl of the Orient in India

Tourist Paradise


Milk Pail of India

Himachal Pradesh


State of all seasons

A fruit bowl of India

Apple State

Mountain State


Mineral state

Tribal state

Jammu and Kashmir

Heaven of India

Switzerland of India


Land of sun rising Industry


Spice garden of India

God’s own country

Madhya Pradesh

Soya Region

Heart of India

Tiger state


The abode of clouds


Jewel of India


Falcon Capital of World

Switzerland of the east


Soul of India


Land of five rivers

Granary of India

Breadbasket of India


Desert State of India


Paradise of Botanists

India’s first organic state


Home of Bamboo

Uttar Pradesh

Sugar Bowl of India


Valley of flowers



So, this was all about the Complete List of Nicknames of States of India. We have a similar post on Complete List of Nicknames of Indian Cities, you can read it Here –

Complete State-wise List of Nicknames of Indian Cities

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